Blacksheep Ancestors

The latest genealogical information on helping you find ancestors in your family tree that were criminals, murderers, outlaws, bandits or scoundrels and that may have spent time in a prison, jail, penitentiary, chain gang or convict camp.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Clyde Barrow Gang Collection

Hi there,

Here is an interesting link from the Portal to Texas History website. It contains approximately 75 resources, including: legal documents, photographs and letters.

Clyde Barrow Collection 1930-1939

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Old Sparky"

If you have time at some point, there is an interesting article over at the Criminal Justice University.

20 Criminals Executed in The Chair

As the title states, it deals with 20 of the most notorious electric chair executions in the 20th century.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Haunted Insane Asylum Stories

I thought it would be fun to throw in some insane asylum hauntings, so here you go:

America's Most Notorious Hauntings

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lisbon Convict Camp, Georgia 1900 List of Inmates

Hi everyone,

Ive added a database of inmates for Lisbon Convict Camp in Georgia for the year 1900.

You can take a look at it here:


Labels: , , , , ,

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Colorado State Hospital for the Insane

Hi everyone,

Here is another Insane Asylum for you to check out, its an index of patients in the Colorado State Hospital for the Insane from the year 1930.

You can view it by clicking on the following link and scrolling down until you see: "Colorado Insane Asylums".

Colorado State Hospital for the Insane

Sunday, January 08, 2006

US Veterans Hospital Insane Patients

Hi everyone,

Ive got a free database online for insane patients in the US Veterans Hospital in Wyoming, its an index of patients there for the year 1930.

You can view it at:

Surnames A-M

Surnames M-Z


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Delaware State Hospital for the Insane

Hi everyone,

Ive got a free database online for the Delaware State Hospital for the Insane, its an index of patients there for the year 1930.

You can check it out at:

  • Surnames A-J
  • Surnames J-Z
